How To Turn All Your Ads
And Sales Letters Into Powerful
Cash Generators -- GUARANTEED

. . . It's Foolproof When You Use The Inside Secrets
Of The World's Foremost Direct Marketing Experts!

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to put a lot more money in your pocket, I have great news for you. You can easily transform all your ads and sales letters into powerful cash generators.

How? By using the inside secrets of the world's foremost direct marketing experts. Now you can put the most highly paid masters of direct marketing on your team and kick your sales and profits into high gear. I guarantee it.

The Ideal Way To Turn Your Business Into A Powerful "Money Machine"

What do you think the best way is to double or triple your profits? I've learned from many agonizing years of expensive trial and error that the fastest, easiest way is to...

Model Someone Who Is Already Successful!

But you can't model just anybody. Not if you want to be as profitable as possible. You have to model the absolute cream of the crop -- the top one percent of the most successful people in direct marketing.

The problem is how do you get even one of these experts to give up their most closely guarded trade secrets? How do you get them to spill their guts and lay it all out on the table -- including their most profitable ads and sales letters...complete details of where the ads ran or what mailing lists were used...and fully documented results of the profits produced?

The fact is, your chances are extremely slim!

Unless you can afford a small fortune to hire one of these top guns, you simply won't be privy to the powerful inside secrets that can transform your business into a powerful "money machine" almost overnight.

Stop Risking All Your Time, Effort, And Money
Let The Experts Show You Dozens Of Proven Ways To Double
Or Triple Your Profits In Record Time!

Now there is an inexpensive way for you to "team up" with the most successful direct marketers in the world. A way to model their most carefully guarded trade secrets and pump up the selling power of all your ads and sales letters.

Experts like Ted Nicholas, Dan Kennedy, Alan & Brad Antin, Bob Bly, Jeff Paul, Ray Jutkins, Brad Petersen, Karen Anderson, Stan Golomb, Dan Poynter, Dan Reynolds, T. Harv Eker, Brian Voiles, and Don Bice.

Why risk your hard-earned money and tons of time and effort "reinventing the wheel" when you can profit from the proven techniques of the most successful people in direct marketing?

I'm proud to announce a powerful new resource that's packed to overflowing with actual million-dollar campaigns and hot, proven strategies from more than a dozen of the foremost experts in the world. I personally grill each expert and have them break each campaign down to the finest detail so you can use their secrets to double and triple your own profits.

You'll find it all in Direct Marketing Hotseat -- Actual Campaigns And Case Studies Of Million-Dollar Direct Marketing. This is a new, completely expanded, bound edition of my now "retired" newsletter, <Direct Marketing Hotseat.

Catapult Your Profits To A New Level With These Inside Secrets

Direct Marketing Hotseat sold like crazy right from the word go. The only problem was it was extremely difficult to coordinate the busy schedules of all my prominent Contributing Editors. What can you expect when you have the most in-demand marketing experts in the world lending their considerable talents to a project?

So after fulfilling all ten issues I was committed to for the first year, I reluctantly "retired" Direct Marketing Hotseat. But I also decided to significantly expand it, adding a ton of breakthrough material that would make it even easier for you to double or triple your profits in short order.

My goal was to make this new, expanded version the ultimate resource on proven, million-dollar direct marketing strategies and techniques.

Just how much did I add to the original materials? Five hot new issues. That's right, I expanded the materials by a full fifty percent!

This comprehensive insider's guide to increasing your sales and profits is unlike any other marketing course you've ever seen. And it took so much work to create, I can guarantee you that nothing like it will ever come along again!

Your Direct Route To Maximum Sales And Profits

As I've already mentioned, everything in this powerful resource has been proven in the marketplace. There is no textbook theory, no wishful thinking, and no fluff or filler. It's all hard-hitting, proven strategies and techniques that have sold countless millions of dollars worth of goods and services.

Nearly all of the material is set up in case study format showing all the actual concepts, techniques, offers, ads, and sales letters that produced tremendous sales volume. More importantly, the actual mailing lists used, magazines and newspapers the ads were run in, and fully documented results are also given. So you know precisely what results you can expect when you model these campaigns in your business.

This is truly the most detailed guided tour of successful direct marketing you could ever hope to get your hands on. Here's what's included in each chapter, and the powerful benefits it will give you:

Chapter 1: How To Use Dirt-Cheap Postcards To Send Your Sales Through The Roof

In this chapter, I'm joined by Karen Anderson, Stan Golomb, Jeff Paul, Ray Jutkins, Dan Poynter, and Brian Voiles to show you precisely how to use postcards to conquer the high costs and low returns of conventional direct mail.

This powerful chapter is packed with proven examples that show you how to generate more highly qualified in by making repeat sales to existing customers and reactivate past customers...make direct sales at a fraction of the cost of traditional campaigns...increase store traffic to profit-breaking levels...and maintain top-notch customer contact that produces even more sales.

This chapter includes seven actual postcards (and documentation of the precise results they produced) that you can model to pack major selling power into your own direct mail.

Chapter 2: A Guided Tour Of A Sales Letter That Sold So Many Pool Cues, They Actually Had To Stop Mailing It!

This is one of my favorite chapters because it focuses on a sales letter that was so successful, the client couldn't produce enough product to fill all the orders. They literally had to stop mailing the letter!

This sales letter was written by Brad Petersen, who is one of the finest and most effective direct marketing copywriters in the business. I provided "back up" services by reviewing the original concept and then the copy itself.

Brad takes you on a blow-by-blow account of how the sales letter was created. He pulls no punches, showing you explicitly what should be included in all sales letter-- and equally important, what should be avoided at all costs! This candid case study is packed with tips and techniques that will increase the sales and profits of any business.

Chapter 3: How A Powerful Secret Produced An 857% Return On Every Dollar Invested In Marketing

This chapter presents a case study of a super-successful format I developed called the "Pat-On-The-Back Case Study." This format creates more trust with both old and new customers than any other strategy you could think of. And everyone knows that trust is a key component to exponentially increasing your sales.

Written jointly by me and my client, Derek D'Angiolini (who is a first-class copywriter in his own right), this letter demonstrates how to make huge increases in sales and profits without investing a penny more than you're already spending on marketing. After modifying Derek's existing sales letter to follow this new format, the results it produced were a lucrative $8.57 return on every dollar invested in marketing!

Chapter 4: The Fastest, Easiest Way To Add Big Profits To Your Direct Marketing

Would you like to have a foolproof way to make 70% of your customers spend more money every time they do business with you? How about getting 94% of all your customers to up the amount of every sale?

This chapter reveals everything you'll ever need to know to realize these kind of profits. Best of all, it takes almost no effort whatsoever, and it's one of the lowest cost techniques you'll ever have the pleasure of profiting from!

This powerful money generator is called an upsell. This chapter gives you all the details of how to work this remarkably simple and profitable technique. Plus, you get three actual examples of upsells that produced the 70% to 94% increases I just told you about.

Once you know what to do, there isn't any business that can't have a highly profitable upsell campaign running and bringing in extra profits in the blink of an eye!

Chapter 5: How To Virtually Eliminate Refunds And Returns

Returned merchandise and refund requests can severely reduce your profits. Not only is there the direct cost of lost sales, but there's also the time and effort it takes to handle these wasteful transactions.

The good news is there are proven ways to reduce your returns and refund requests to the bare minimum. Two of the best ways are presented in this chapter. You'll see precisely how other businesses have trimmed the flow of returns and refunds to a minor trickle, and how you can get similar results in your own business.

Chapter 6: How A Direct Marketing Master Creates And Tests Million Dollar Space Ads

Ted Nicholas is widely regarded as the foremost authority on space advertising in the world. And rightfully so, since his space ads have produced over 200 million dollars in sales!

In this chapter, Ted generously lays out the complete details of how he creates, tests, and modifies space ads to produce world class profits. Ted and I go step-by-step through two completely different full page ads for his book, "Magic Words That Bring You Riches."

You'll get a superior education on how to make all your own space ads as profitable as possible. From writing powerful media selecting a high-profit choosing and homing in on the most profitable the best guarantee closing for maximum sales, Ted leaves no stone unturned.

This chapter alone is a classic that's worth far more than the entire cost of this unique course!

Chapter 7: Increase Your Profits With A Simple Process To Educate Your Customers

In this chapter, Alan and Brad Antin reveal a proven process they've used countless times to make their clients substantial profits. It's a very simple method of educating your customers they call "try-before-you-buy."

By using this method, any business can give their prospects a tangible sample of exactly what they have to offer. And because your competition never does this, the technique works like crazy.

To demonstrate precisely how this strategy works, Alan Antin guides you step-by-step through an actual letter he and Brad created for a very satisfied client. You'll be able to model this universal example to step your profits up to an entirely new level!

Chapter 8: How To Rewrite Your Copy For Maximum Profits

Rewriting your copy is a crucial task. I've lost track of how many times a good rewrite has added tens of thousands of dollars to my own sales.

In fact, there is no world class copywriter I know of who doesn't invest substantial time in rewriting their copy. Because rewriting really pumps selling power into your advertising copy!

Rewriting is remarkably simple once you understand the "recipe." In this chapter, you'll get all the details of my 17-Step Maximum Profit Rewrite Recipe. Then I apply these steps to an actual sales letter that was written by a client of mine.

You'll see the before and after versions of the letter, which will show you precisely why rewriting is so valuabl-- because the minor changes I made produced a substantial increase in sales! Using my simple, 17-step recipe, you'll be able to build the same kind of increased sales into every ad and sales letter you write.

Chapter 9: How To Convert A Whopping 37% Of Your Prospects To Paying Customers With Cycle Mailings

Most businesses leave over 50% of the potential money they could make sitting on the table. Why? Because they only mail one time to their prospects.

Cycle mailings, which are a regularly scheduled cycle of follow-up mailings to your prospects, are the answer to capturing all of those sales you've been letting slip through your fingers.

This chapter gives you everything you need to set up your own cycle of high-profit mailings. It focuses on a cycle of letters that's used by one of my favorite clients, Judy Meininger.

Judy will show you how she systematically converts 37% of all prospects to paying customers. Considering that the standard conversion rate for all businesses is about 10%, you stand to more than triple your profits by taking advantage of this simple, proven strategy!

Chapter 10: A Direct Marketing Classic That's Produced An 800% Return On Investment For Over 7 Years Running!

Don Bice has a classic two-step direct marketing campaign that regularly produces over eight dollars for every dollar invested in marketing. But what's even more remarkable is that it's produced these profits like clockwork month after month for over seven years!

For the first (and only) time, Don has agreed to share his secrets of success with my readers. Don's entire strategy and full campaign is carefully dissected to show you how to use these ideas to cash in to the fullest.

Everything's here: Don's space ad, his sales letter, his two brochures (and the reasoning behind having two different brochures in the same package), his lift letter, and his order coupon. Don breaks each piece down block by block, revealing his inside secrets you can use to create a perennial, high profit blockbuster of your own!

In Addition To This Multi-Million Dollar,
Street-Smart Education --
There's More Still!

I think you'll agree that the multi-million dollar ideas I've just told you about are far and away the most comprehensive collection of proven, high-profit direct marketing strategies you'll ever find. But I'm just getting started!

You see, those chapters have been created only from the ten issues that made up the original subscription run. I've expanded the material and added five new chapters to kick your profits up even higher. Here are the powerful marketing weapons you'll gain from these additional chapters:

Chapter 11: How To Create Blockbuster Offers That Prospects Simply Can't Refuse

I was talking with a colleague the other day and he asked me how many headlines I write before I choose just the right one for my ads and sales letters. Now, conventional direct marketing wisdom says that the first thing you should do is spend hours writing and rewriting a long list of headlines-- the longer, the better. By continually working and reworking these headlines, you'll supposedly come up with one that will far outperform all others.

Sorry, but I think that's a load of manure. I personally never write more than one or two headlines. And I never even begin to think about headlines until after I've crafted an offer that's so enticing, my prospect would have to be a complete fool to pass it up.

You see, years of expensive trial and error have taught me that...

The Deal's The Thing!

The more enticing you can make it, the more value you can pour into it, the more benefits and components you can stack on top of each other in your deal, the more you're going to sell!

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In these competitive times, customers demand more than what they're paying for. And if you can deliver that, you can write your own ticket to certain wealth.

The most successful deal I've ever created is the offer that sold the charter subscriptions to Direct Marketing Hotseat. The first day after the mailing dropped, the phones began ringing off the hooks.

My ordering service, with eight dedicated lines, couldn't come close to handling all the orders. With those lines tied up, people began calling my office to subscribe. In a matter of minutes, both my lines were bogged down as well.

Even with ten different lines and ten different people trying to take the orders, we couldn't even come close to handling them all. Believe me, this is the kind of problem you love to have to solve!

In this chapter, I show you precisely how I created this blockbuster offer. You'll get my triple-threat strategy for building offers that are so compelling, people can't help digging into their wallets and sending you money.

You'll see how your headline and all your body copy naturally flow out of your offer. In fact, once you've crafted the right offer, the rest of your copy nearly writes itself.

Most importantly, you'll come away with a comprehensive understanding of how to create offers that sell like wildfire. This skill alone, which few people possess, is easily worth a small fortune.

Chapter 12: 55 HOT Tips For Boosting The Pulling Power Of Your Direct Mail

This chapter is jammed full of proven, inexpensive techniques covering every aspect of your mailing package. And I've made it super easy to use by organizing the techniques according to each specific area of your mailing piece.

You'll have dozens of proven, high profit techniques at your fingertips - ready to use to increase the success of all your mailings. Just plug them in and watch your sales shoot up the charts!

Chapter 13: The Ultimate Direct Mail Secret: How To Pull 8%-22% Response On Every Mailing You Ever Send

Tired of response rates of 2% or less on your direct marketing? A major reason response is so low is you're hitting the wrong prospects through the wrong lists or media.

This chapter reveals four simple, inexpensive, deadly accurate ways to make sure your offer gets to your ideal prospects. And it gives you a remarkable new way of structuring your offer that vastly outperforms all other offers. Together, these strategies regularly produce response of 8% to 22%, as opposed to the lukewarm industry standard 2%.

These strategies have more than quadrupled the profits of my own business in short order. They can do the same for you too!

Chapter 14: The Jeff Paul Interview: Direct Marketing Success Secrets

Jeff Paul is one of the most successful direct marketers in the country. I was absolutely floored by how Jeff lays it all on the line in this interview. He holds nothing back.

Jeff's secrets for doubling or tripling the number of qualified leads you get and convert is well worth the entire cost of this course. And that's just the beginning. Jeff goes on to show you exactly what to do to sell more of your products more often. Then he reveals how to use his simple plan to easily produce a six or seven figure income year in and year out.

Chapter 15: The Headline Clinic

Powerful headlines are absolutely crucial to maximizing your profits. Since you only have a few seconds to seize your reader's attention and convince them to keep reading your ad or sales letter, you'd better be able to stop them in their tracks.

For this clinic, I'm joined by Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas, Bob Bly, Brad Petersen, T. Harv Eker, and Brian Voiles to show you everything you need to create the kind of headlines that get optimum results.

You'll discover what's crucial to include in every headline, what to absolutely avoid, and ethical ways to "swipe" headlines from other ads and sales letters. When you're done with this chapter, you'll be a master at creating headlines that sell much more of what you have to offer.

Here's How You Can Personally Cash In
By Teaming Up With The World's Foremost Marketing Experts

That's the course in a nutshell. There's actually a lot more than I have room to cover in this letter, but I'm sure you get the picture.

You can get on the fast track to serious profits by ordering your personal copy of Direct Marketing Hotseat -- Actual Campaigns And Case Studies Of Million-Dollar Direct Marketing. The cost of this unique course is just $187. I think you'll agree this is a tremendous bargain.

Here's why. This price includes everything I've told you about-- plus three extraordinary bonuses. I'll fill you in on the bonuses in a few minutes. But first, here's a little more about the course itself.

For starters, this expanded, bound version contains all 10 of the original issues packed with all the breakthrough information I've just told you about. Then, there are the five additional chapters jammed full of even more proven strategies for increasing your sales and profits. That's over 200 pages of hot, proven strategies and techniques-- all from the most sought after direct marketing experts in the world. And we haven't even touched on the bonuses yet!

But here's the real test of true value. If this were just another collection of boring rules and conventional wisdom that doesn't work, it wouldn't matter what the price is -- it wouldn't be worth it.

Direct Marketing Hotseat -- Actual Campaigns And Case Studies Of Million-Dollar Direct Marketing is the only course that delivers the proven, inside secrets of the foremost marketing experts in the world. Secrets you can use to start cashing in on every ad and sales letter you ever create. And for just a fraction of the price of other misleading, ineffective information that just eats a hole in your bank account.

Now Let's Talk About Your FREE BONUSES!

I'm bending over backwards to load this course to the brim with proven, high-profit strategies and techniques.

It Gets Better Still --
Your Success Is Completely Backed By My "10 Times, Double Guarantee"

Now, in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it foolproof for you. You see, I completely guarantee your success. Here's my 10 times take-it-to-the-bank guarantee:

I personally guarantee if you make a diligent effort to use just a few of the proven strategies and techniques in this course, you'll produce at least 10 times your investment in profits within the next 12 months. That's right, 10 times extra profits you never would have seen without this course. If you don't, I'll refund the entire cost of the course to you.

Actually, you get double protection. Here's how. I'll also give you a 14 day "free peek" at this blockbuster material. Take a detailed tour of all fifteen chapters. Listen to the bonus tapes. If you feel that I fell short in any way on delivering everything I've promised, just return the materials and I'll be happy to give you a complete refund. No questions asked!

What could be more fair? You can "test drive" every breakthrough strategy and technique for 12 full months. You'll be able to conclusively determine whether this powerful course will work for you.

If it doesn't bring you serious profits, I want you to ask for, and get, your money back! And, I'll let you keep the free bonuses as my way of thanking you for giving this course a try.

The truth is, you'll never have to worry about a refund. Because once you use these ingenious, proven techniques and see the huge jump in your profits, I'm betting someone would have to wrestle you to the ground to get you to let go of this course.

If You Want To Get In On This Limited
Opportunity -- You Need To Act Now!

The phones in my order department will be ringing off the hook in short order. And once the initial print run is sold out, I'll have to return your payment until we can produce more copies of this powerful course.

So if you're really serious about cashing in on the huge profits available in direct marketing, you can't wait. You need to take immediate action.

Order right now, while it's fresh in your mind.

There are three easy ways to order

1. You can order right now with the secure online order form.
2. Call Duell Marketing at 1-760-722-0290 and place your order right now.

Your order will be shipped within 48 hours.

If you want to really turn all your ads and sales into powerful cash generators...if you want to stop gambling on risky techniques and get guaranteed profits...if you want to take control of how much more profitable and pleasurable your business can be, you couldn't ask for a better opportunity.

Don't wait. Order your copy of Direct Marketing Hotseat -- Actual Campaigns And Case Studies Of Million-Dollar Direct Marketing right now. That way you can get on a fast track to doubling and tripling your sales and profits!



Bob Serling, President
Stratford Marketing Group, Inc.



By acting right now, you get substantial savings, a wealth of information, and all with a 12 month full money back guarantee. This powerful course and generous guarantee is good for only 7 days - and will not be repeated.

Plus, it's easy to put into action. Just read or listen for a half-hour or so every day. Then give a few of these simple, proven strategies a try.

Once you see the increased sales start rolling in, there's no turning back. You'll be hooked on the huge profits that can truly be made with direct marketing!

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